Monday, August 13, 2007

The Before

Ok, so i am home right now.. didnt plan on coming home before leaving for Zambia, but my wisdom teeth got infected so i had to fly home so i can get them removed on wednesday. I'm glad to be home, just not so excited about the reason why!!

So, this summer i was in Hagerstown, Maryland, Working at Mount Aetna Camp as a boat driver. Something really cool about working at this camp (that nobody even planned). Is the fact that one of the girls who was an SM last year at the exact place where i am going this year, was working there as the camp nurse. It was so cool to meet her and be able to talk to her and ask questions about Riverside. We even got put in the same room the first night we both arrived and ended up sharing that room for the rest of the summer. It definitely wasnt a coincidence!

The picture above is me and Bjorn Harboldt. He is one of the other SM's going to Riverside. We had a big get together before school ended with a bunch of the past SM's to Riverside and Bjorn and i were introduced to nshima and relish!(which is what is in the frying pan) Good thing we liked it, cause i hear we're going to be eating a lot of it over the next few months.

I want to thank everybody who is supporting me in this trip in any way, i really appreciate it! You should check this site a lot because I'll hopefully be updating it with a lot of stories and pictures of all my adventures for the next nine months.

talk to you later,
